From a Norvill Churchill descendant

I just got a very nice note and comment from a descendant of Pvt. Norvill Churchill, who was on the staff of Brig. Gen. George Armstrong Custer.  At the cavalry battle at Hunterstown, just outside Gettysburg, on the evening of July 2, 1863, Churchill scooped up the fallen Custer and took him back to the safety of Federal lines, saving the Boy General’s life.  Richard J. Webb and some of his family will be at the planned monument dedication and festivities in Hunterstown this July, and it will be great to meet them.  Churchill’s saber will be one of the featured items on display.  Richard wrote as follows:

My name is Richard J. Webb and my mother is Leila Jane Webb – maiden name of Churchill. Her father was Harrison David Churchill, son of Norvell Churchill, whom I understand your local Historical Society is honoring this July at a ceremony and monument. I learned of this from my cousin Pat and let my mother, who is now 82 years old and the oldest living female grandchild of Norvell who are still alive, know about this and she, my wife Dianna and I have already made reservations in Gettysburg for that time period in the first week of July and are planning on attending the events you are presenting in Hunterstown. We are excited about this as I heard stories about my great- grandfather from my Grandfather Harrison and his wife about his being an orderly to General Custer in the Civil War and how he had saved his life. They were very humble people and the information was passed on as a matter of pride within the family. I am now 60 years old and have delved deeply into my family genealogy and appreciate the interest your community has taken in their efforts to preserve our national heritage in regards to events that have taken place in your area.

Published in: on February 26, 2008 at 5:15 pm  Comments (4)  

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4 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Hey JD,

    This is probably a stupid question but what day exactly is the Hunterstown dedication taking place? July 2? Or thereabouts?

    Cool story by the way!



  2. Hey Stosh,

    Go here: for all the info!

    See you soon!


  3. Thanks JD,

    See you there!

  4. Stosh,

    It’ll be a really nice day. Churchill’s saber will be there with several of his descendants, and I’m going to be reading the pertinent passage from our book “Plenty of Blame” – plus presenting an autographed copy to the family.

    Look forward to spending the day with ya.


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