Dana Shoaf – New Editor of Civil War Times

Many folks are aware that Chris Lewis, editor of CWT, recently resigned from the magazine.  I just spoke to Mr. Dana Shoaf, who is presently the editor of their sister publication America’s Civil War – Dana has just been named the new editor of CWT.  This bodes VERY well for CWT… Dana is highly qualified and has many ideas to propose for the magazine.  We may soon see larger map spreads, footnoted feature articles, etc., all facets that today’s readership will very much enjoy.

CWT is the grandaddy of Civil War publications, and I’m very excited that Dana is now at the helm.  Look for great changes and advancements to come.  As a recently-named Contributing Writer, I really look forward to working even more closely with Dana and the magazine, and being a little part of those advancements.

The Weider Group’s aquisition of these and other historical magazines (formerly owned by Primedia) bodes very well for the directions these publications will be taking, and they now have the resources and talent to give their readership, and the historic genre as a whole, an enormous amount of information and scholarship.  Watch for great things to come.

My heartiest congratulations to Dana and to CWT!

Published in: on August 8, 2007 at 12:52 pm  Comments (16)  

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16 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. JD,

    Great news!

    What does this mean for America’s Civil War? Any idea on who’s gonna run their show?


  2. Not yet, Mike – as far as I know that’s an open position, but Weider is considering folks at the moment. What Dana has done is to poise that magazine to continue to be great as well.

    We may hear soon who will replace him there.


    • Trying to contact Mr. Shoaf. Mr. Shoaf, I have an original color picture honoring Lee’s sesquicentennial victory at Charlotsville; please cotact me and I’ll attach image with my reply

  3. J.D.,

    Good to read and a fine choice. Was talking about this last night and said if they lost Dana, they would lose me as well. Have subscribed to the magazine since I was kid, and while am sorry by Chris’s departure, am glad Dana got the job.

    He’s done wonders in his time as editor of America’s Civil War, and am sure he will continue to do so at CW Times Illustrated.


  4. Help!

    Send me a qualified, happy-go-lucky, knowledgeable, fun-to-work-with, never-qustions-Lori, Editor.


  5. LOL, Lori – you’re really tryin’, aren’t ya?



  6. I’m attempting to contact Dana Shoaf to present a story proposal on the Battle of Franklin. Do you have his e-mail address?
    Larry Woody
    Nashville, Tn.

  7. Hi Larry,

    Yes – please email me at jaydee@pennswoods.net and I’ll give it to you.


  8. Would the Times consider the following piece for publication?

    The Cost To Set Men Free

    Grant with stogie and black, brim hat,

    Lee looking shiek and aristocrat;

    The one in Northern blue array,

    The second clad in Southern gray.

    Proud Lee, with brave, uplifted head

    Still bears the burden of the dead,

    And Grant,with grim and tired gaze,

    Leans back, now sure of peaceful days.

    Both know the cost to set men free,

    The rifle, sword,and rocketry,

    The broken limbs, the shattered mind,

    The bleeding, bruised,and stumbling blind.

    And o’er the country scarred by shell,

    The hills and graves where comrades fell.

    The homes and fields charred by flames

    And new-dug graves for unknown names.

    Has it come to this, agreements now,

    The horse returning to the plow;

    The soldiers laying down their arms

    And heading home to desolate farms?

    Are then the pleas of churchly men

    And all the words from press and pen,

    As true and just to this degree:

    These dead, this blood, was meant to be?

    Edwin Vogt
    78 Moreland Street
    Little Falls, New York 13365

  9. QUIZ: Iron Brigade Second Wis. Vol. Inf.

  10. QUIZ: Iron brigade. Second Wis. Vol Infantry.

  11. I’m answering the picture in Civil War Times. Union Soldiers though they were, and 1 Sailor they were buried separately from the other soldiers. Because they were known as the Raiders. A group who preyed apon there fellow prisoners and new arrivals at the prison taking their money,clothes, blankets, food to better their own ends. They were tried and hanged by their fellow prisoners and henceforth were buried away from the other Soldiers.

  12. the female secret agent is Elizabeth Van Sloan

  13. That was interesting, Ill come here if I have any questions on it later.

  14. I’,M TRYING TO CONTACT MR. SHOAF. I have a perfect color piece I’d like him to see.

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